
Become a member

Benefits for associated members of the Swedish Local Fibre Alliance, e.g. operators, suppliers, consultants and other organisers.


  • Possibility to participate for free in an annual information meeting* arranged the Swedish Local Fibre Alliance. Serves also as an opportunity of establishing contacts with other associated members. (*Not the annual conference or the conference during autumn.)
  • Discount on the participation fee for the annual conference and the conference during autumn. 
  • Possibility to participate as exhibitor, and arrange workshops, at both the annual conference and the conference during autumn.
  • Access to contact information for local fibre networks.
  • Access to material and brochures on the website.
  • Possibility to advertise in our magazine Stadsnätet.
  • Receive our newsletter with telecom news (n Swedish).
  • Receive news flashes for updates on the website (in Swedish).
  • Possibility to sign up for the services CESAR2 and Leverantörsavtalet. 


The annual fee to the Swedish Local Fibre Alliance

The annual fee consists of two parts. One part is the service fee based on the member’s operations and the other part is a membership fee equal for all members.

Annual fees

The annual fee for associated members of the Swedish Local Fibre Alliance excluding the membership fee of 750 SEK:

Category Turnover Annual service fee 2025 (incl. index) Annual service fee 2024 (incl. index)
Small Less than 10 million SEK 9 170 kr 8 672 kr
Medium 10 million SEK ≤ annual turnover ≤ 100 million SEK 16 987 kr 16 064 kr
Large More than 100 million SEK 23 715 kr 22 426 kr

Note that as of 2020, the associated members’ fees are calculated according to the turnover of the industry-related activities of the organisation.


How to apply

E-mail to kansli(at) 


Please note!

It is the company/organisation who applies for membership.

* The definition of an operator is a company/organisation who has reported its operations to Post- och telestyrelsen, PTS (The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority, according to the Law (2003:389) about electronic communication. Please follow the link to see the full list.